Company Profile of Standard Industries Ltd.

Registered Office 59, `THE ARCADE'   1st Floor   World Trade Centre   Mumbai  -  400005   Maharashtra  
Tel. 22189887  / 22154207
Fax 22154263
Website Not Available
Chief Executive Name Mr. K J Pardiwalla
Secretary Name Mrs. Tanaz B Panthaki
Face Value 5
Market Lot 1
Business Group Name Mafatlal [RMs] Group
Incorporation Date 25/01/1892
Indústry Name Chemicals - Inorganic - Caustic Soda/Soda Ash
Registrar of Company Not Available
Listed on National Stock Exchange of India limited
  The Stock Exchange, Mumbai

Board of Directors
Name Designation
Mr. V C Vaidya Ind. Non-Executive Director
Mrs. Divya P Mafatlal Non Executive Director
Mr. K J Pardiwalla Managing Director
Mr. Pradeep R Mafatlal Chairman / Chair Person
Mr. Russi Jal Taraporevala Ind. Non-Executive Director
Mr. M L Apte Ind. Non-Executive Director
Mr. F M Pardiwalla Ind. Non-Executive Director

Key Executives
Name Designation
Mr. V K Kapur GM [ Works-Standard Alkalis]
Mr. S Rajendran Chief Engineer and GM [Power Plants]
Mrs. Tanaz B Panthaki Co.Secretary and Compl. Officer
Mr. D M Nadkarni VP [Projects and Works-Standard Alkalis]
Mr. D H Parekh Vice President [Finances]
Mr. G M Modak GM [Costing and Internal Audits]

Yearly High Lows
Year High Low
1990 690.00 52.50
1991 185.00 47.50
1992 360.00 110.00
1993 157.50 75.00
1994 170.00 61.25
1995 68.75 23.50
1996 26.50 7.20
1997 13.50 3.30
1998 9.00 3.20
1999 9.95 3.10
2000 18.95 3.05
2001 6.50 1.75
2002 11.50 2.55
2003 11.00 3.25
2004 25.20 3.01
2005 41.50 15.95
2006 71.70 14.35
2007 110.85 35.20
2008 117.60 9.31